The latest news about tech are now on TechBrowser

News > TechBrowser

Modified Oct. 13, 2023, 2:55 p.m.

Your favorite website about tech guides now also provides the latest news about tech! The latest news will be available right on the homepage of the website, but also in each post.

The latest tech news on techbrowser

You won’t ever miss any important tech related news from today. We’ve developed and added a news section to the website. The first news will be focused on Apple products until we are sure our process is good enough and can be scaled to general tech news.

Latest Tech News on the TechBrowser homepage

The first place to check the latest news on TechBrowser is on the homepage, at A new section is now available, just under the newsletter section. The six latest news about tech will be available here.

For each news, you can easily check the title, the beginning of the news introduction, as well as the published date and the author. You can read more about each news just by clicking on it.

Each time we publish a news, it will appear in this section.

Latest News on every article

Among the homepage news section, we‘ve added a section to each article published on the website, not only the news one but also the blog posts.

If you are browsing the TechBrowser website using a computer, you will see the latest news section at the right of your screen, just above the latest post section. The 3 last news will appeared here.

If you are using a phone to browse The website, then the Latest News section will appear at the bottom of the page, just below the author box. Again, the 3 last news will be displayed here.

We also made changes to the navbar

As we have added news to the website, we needed to make changes to the navbar. Previously, 3 blog posts categories were displayed on the navbar, by clicking on each one you could access the category blog posts. You can still do this, but you will have to click on the « Guides » link first, to show the dropdown menu containing all the blog categories.

There are no categories displayed for the news post yet, so clicking on the News link will just bring you the News homepage for now, but more changes are incoming.

Don’t miss the newsletter

If you don’t want to miss any important tech news, but don’t want to check the website multiple times a day, that’s fine, you can still subscribe to our newsletter!

Each week, we will send a short email containing all the important news of the tech, as well as the best guides we’ve published and some other information.

You can’t subscribe on the newsletter directly on the homepage at


Maxime Levesque is a technical engineer with more than 5 years of professional experience. He is an expert in computer and phones, mostly on Apple products. Maxime is also the founder of TechBrowser.